

Wesly is a writer, director, producer, musician, counselor, husband, dad, and all around goober chank face. He holds a master’s degree in counseling. He doesn’t actually walk around holding it like some pervert, but he did actually get the degree. It’s in a box somewhere. While not apparent in his overt silliness – the bottom line of all he does and hopes to do is help people. Spread happiness yo. Chalk it up to his background in Psychology – or don’t :).

In his words:

Howdy. My dad always says howdy to people on hiking trails. It’s silly for some kind of reason. I am also silly for some kind of reason.

I love raw/real art. I want to spend my life being a part of that kind of art whether through music, writing, or film. I don’t claim to be good at anything aside from car drumming, and hopefully listening.

I’m the founder of a multi-faceted entertainment and ecommerce company called UTR Media. I’ve worked as a consultant for large B2B tech companies, as well as management for public radio and television.

I love kids and how most of the time they make me my best self, and occasionally my worst. Having a wife is pretty much the best. That’s about it. Go kiss your aunt Sally goodnight for me.
