Wesly Lapioli
Wesly Lapioli genuinely loves the beauty of life, people, progress, and art. He has dedicated his life to serving and creating meaningful media and art. Whether a feature film, his motivational series Prioritize Your Life, or a speaking engagement - what you can expect from Wesly is the intersection of being entertained and inspired. While he does hold a masters degree in psychology, he asserts that his rough upbringing was far more valuable to shape his character and qualify him to be empathetic than a piece of paper ever will. His life maxim is I Will Thrive and he lives his life with a fiery determination to joyfully make it through all obstacles and serve others the best that he possibly can.
“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. NOW PUT FOUNDATIONS UNDER THEM.”
- Henry David Thoreau
Non-Third Person:
Howdy. My dad always says howdy to people on hiking trails. It’s silly for some kind of reason. I am also silly for some kind of reason. I love raw/real art. I want to spend my life being a part of that kind of art whether through music, writing, or film. I don’t claim to be good at anything aside from car drumming, and hopefully listening.
I’m the founder of a multi-faceted entertainment and e-commerce company called Unlock The Rock Entertainment. I’ve worked as a consultant for large B2B tech companies, management for public radio and television, and as a counselor.
I love kids and how most of the time they make me my best self, and occasionally my worst. Jesus is the anchor of my life and I work to be a better disciple every day. Having a wife is pretty much the best. That’s about it. Go kiss your aunt Sally goodnight for me.